Have you ever properly thought about error handling in your code? We encounter errors all the time: when network errors occur, when processing user input, and generally whenever side effects are involved.

Some languages have their own idioms for error handling, like Go’s err != nil or Rust’s Result type. Others provide an ability to do whatever rubbish you want. So here are some of my thoughts on handling errors when you have the freedom to choose your strategy.

For examples, I’ll use C++, as it supports all the error-handling approaches I’ll discuss here. Let’s consider a function Foo that accepts some data, communicates with a remote server, and returns a response to the caller. The code might look like this:

Ret Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	const auto response = dependencies.client.FetchData(request);
	return response;

At first glance, this seems simple enough, but do you notice any issues? This code assumes the server will always respond correctly with the expected data. But is that always the case? Of course not! Let’s explore what could go wrong:

  • Network errors, such as timeouts, might occur when trying to reach the server.
  • Protocol-specific issues might arise, requiring us to handle a variety of potential server responses.

Now, let’s examine the various approaches to error handling.


Before diving into specific methods, let’s establish some principles of good error handling:

  • Do not ignore errors.
  • Provide sufficient context about the error.
  • Ensure access to the expected value when no error occurs.

With these conditions in mind, let’s proceed.

Optional return value

A common approach is to return an optional value when an error occurs. The caller checks for the presence of a value and handles the situation accordingly. To provide error context, we log a message with an appropriate severity level. Here’s an example:

std::optional<Ret> Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	LOG_ERROR() << "Could not get data from remote service myservice: " << error;
	return opt_response;

I see this approach to error handling every day millions of times in production code. Do you already see the problem?

It’s a good idea to think about error handling from the calling side point of view. Here is how the calling side may look:

auto data = Foo(deps, request);
if (!data.has_value()) {
	LOG_INFO() << "Could not get data but it's because we can gently degrade in our functionality";

So what do we get here:

  • Two same logs with different levels - when we see them should we consider it as error or as info? Two same logs doesn’t make error research easier.
  • Calling side doesn’t know that function already logged all the info so it logs one more time. But what if this data was crusial for our functionality? Than we would need to take some actions on the calling side depending on error type: timeout or non 2xx http response code. We cannot do this here because of lack of error context.

Throw on error

Another common method is to throw an exception on error and return the expected value on success:

struct FooError : std::exception {
	int code;
	std::string message;
	Context context;

Ret Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	if (error) {
		throw FooError {
			.code = error.code,
			.message = "error: " + error.description,
			.context = MakeContext(error),

	return response;

This feels like a standard way to process errors in languages where exceptions are supported. But lets see how the calling side of code looks like:

auto data = Foo(deps, req);

Do you see anything that shows that Foo can throw an exception? I don’t. More than that, even if you know that Foo throws an exception, how do you understand what type of exception it throws? You should go look through the call stack till you find one? But if we take part in network communication using some protocol like http we can have multiple reasons for error so we can have multiple exception types and they could not be in linear hierarchy or could be thrown not only in one place.

So speaking of algorithm to understand how to handle errors for this kind of function api:

  1. First of all you should understand (feel with all of your experience) that the function throws an exception.
  2. Hopefully you find doc comments with all exception type it throws and hopefully the doc comments contain the correct structure but if it’s not some well maintained lib you are not likely to find any docs so go look through call stack and find all the exception types it uses and understand the hierarchy.
  3. After all the journy to the depth of the code you can finally handle exceptions. But you need to do it carefully with the correct order of handling to not loose any information.

When you get all your job done and handling exceptions seems Ok, you’d better suddenly recall some cool facts about call stack behaviour when exception occurs:

  • If exception occurs in constructor, desctructor will not be invoked
  • What happens when you get exception while processing exception in desctructor? Yes, the best thing possible - terminate.
  • And more…

And also you should remember that using exceptions always adds indirrection. For example, you open some resource like db connection. After that exception occurs. The db connection will be lost in dangling state if you do not provide some mechanism like C++ RAII to rollback and close connection on destructor.

Return struct

If we need to return more than one type from function we usially use structs. Like in our situation: data and error. Why not to use our beloved method? Lets see.

Code using struct would look like this:

struct FooResult {
	std::optional<R> data;
	std::optional<E> error;

FooResult Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	if (error) {
		return FooResult {
			.data = std::nullopt,
			.error = MakeErrorContext(...),
	return FooResult {
		.data = response,
		.error = std::nullopt,

Error can be any structured data with rich context to process it from outside of Foo.

And calling side may look like this:

auto [data, error] = Foo(deps, req);
if (error.has_value()) {
	// handle error
} else if (data.has_value()) {
	// handle data
} else {
	// oh shit I don't know what to do with it...

See the problem? I do. Have you ever encountered std::optional? Same shit. Because you have two optional types you have really four possble data sets:

  1. value, value
  2. nil, value
  3. value, nil
  4. nil, nil

We can have an aggreement, that if we have error value we do not look at data. It looks fine for most real cases. But it removes only one redundant case. We still have nil, nil which cannot be processed properly. More than that, we have access to one type that really should not be present anyhow. I mean why can we get access to error type if no error takes place? Or the opposite.

Most likely you find it familiar if you ever programmed golang. I guess the closes C++ way to express golang error handling is using tuples:

std::tuple<R, E> Foo(D dependencies, R request);

Sum types

Sum types is a concept you’d better read about somewhere else, like wikipedia. But here we will talk about the standard way of expressing data in case we need to have one of multiple possible types. In C++ this standard way is to use std::variant. It allowes us to store only one value, we always know what value type it can store and provide and it uses just enough space to store the biggest value type. In other languages you may see more ways to implement this behaviour like Rust enums or Haskell sum types.

std::variant<R, E> Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	if (error) {
		return MakeError(...);
	return data;

So here we can see that we construct and return only data that we need to have. No error construction when no error occurs and so on. Lets see what happens on calling side of code:

auto result = Foo(deps, req);
	[](R& data) {/*process data*/},
	[](E& error) {/*process error*/},
}, result);

Or we can use other construction to check what value is present in variant:

auto result = Foo(deps, req);

if (auto* data = std::get_if<R>(&result)) {
	// process data
} else if (auto* error = std::get_if<E>(&result)) {
	// process error
} else {/*fck...*/}

Something similar we get using index() function that returns index of holding type or npos if variant is in invalid state.

So what do we get using this kind if error handling? First of all - absolutely ugly syntax, yes. But it’s C++ so we get used to it, lets move on to advantages:

  • Using std::visit give us possibility to precess all variant types safely. If we forget one, it failes to compile. We don’t have any redundant state of data.
  • We store only data we need.
  • We don’t have access to data we don’t have.
  • We don’t add any indirrection to our control flow.

But (yes, always there is but…)

  • The syntax is complex
  • All the functions on callstack till Foo that do not process error will need to somehow check if error occured and bypass it futher. With std::variant it doesn’t look like a good decision.

So here comes…

Result interface

Lets now wrap our variant into nice interface:

template <typename Ok, typename Err>
class Result {

	bool IsOk() const;

	Ok Value() const;

	Err Error() const;

	std::variant<Ok, Err> result_;

Result<Res, E> Foo(D dependencies, R request) {
	if (error) {
		return Result(MakeError(...));
	return Result(MakeData(...));

Here is the calling side:

auto result = Foo(deps, req);
if (!result.IsOk()) {
	auto error = result.Error();
	// handle error
} else {
	auto value = result.Value();
	// handle data

So now we have all the advantages of variant but don’t have problems that are related to C++ verbosity and complex syntax. Cool, isn’t it? So now we see from function call side the type that restricts direct access to possibly unexistant value, force each function to explicitly process the error if it occurs and make our control flow linear and safe.

Of course this Result interface example is a bit costrated and guys familiar with Rust would rather costrated me for this but I don’t pretend I try to write good enough code while writing this article so I don’t care.

For C++ gungsters: Result is in standard library now!

What I didn’t mention

Of course there are some more ways of error handling available with different type of comfort in different programming languages. Lets list them:

Return error, value is inout parameter

std::optional<E> Foo(D dependencies, R request, Ret& inout);

Ret value;
auto error = Foo(deps, req, value);
if (error.has_value()) {...}

Or the other way around.

Error codes

Oh shit… Not this please. I don’t want to get down to this, lets skip it.

Functional style

void Foo(D dependencies, R request, std::function<void(OkResponse)> on_success, std::function<void(ErrResponse)> on_error) {
	if (error) {
		return on_error(error);
	return on_success(response);

You think this is not really used much and you don’t care? Hah! I worked with code base where this was a guidelined way to process errors! What a great time it was writing 9 level recursive closures in C++…

What to choose?

There is no correct or incorrect answer here. But I’ll try to give some points on what I think:

  • Provide enough context to the calling side to make correct decisions how to handle error
  • Make interface explicit from error handling point of view
  • Don’t handle error twice.
  • Use what is already used in your project - it’s simple and most likely correct answer. Changing error handling approach can lead to many error handling approaches at once, and it would be much worse.

Remarks about the code

  • I didn’t try to write correct or good enough for production code. You cannot find r/l/g/x-value C++ references or any language specific constructs. This article is not about that.
  • It’s not important what is under the hood of reaching remote service and how our client returns us value or error. We just don’t care. Here we look at what happens next when we already know the result of execution and try to provide api for it.